Friday, July 18, 2008

Show up to save Boston from Lord Vader

Prevent the return of the Darth Vader Building!

Come to sign a petition against the city allowing the destruction of the Arlington Building and its neighbors and the subsequent construction of the Darth Vader Building Part II.

We will be collecting signatures and talking to Bostonians and anyone else from 2 pm on at Arlington and Boylston Streets.


Anonymous said...

Jay Rourke is an asshat

Anonymous said...

demo hearing tomorrow at 5:30 at city hall...

Anonymous said...

I think the #1 priority should be to stop the Druker/Pelli building. That is abysmal.

If Druker wants to come up with a replacement, he should hire a new architect and start from scratch. Pelli obviously doesn't get it. A proper New England building respects its neighborhood and its streetscape. This one has the look of a walled-in compound, insulating its residents from the grittiness of the city.

That said, it would certainly be nice if the SCL building could be preserved. It's one of those fine turn-of-the-century buildings that seem to characterize a New England town.

JC said...


I am a reporter with the Boston Courant newspaper, which has been closely following and covering the developments with the Druker project.

I would really like to speak with one or several of you who are concerned with the proposal put forward for a story I'm working on for this week. You seem very strong in your convictions regarding the proposal, and I'd like to include your opinions in my story, especially to hear about why you're blogging about it, how this blog started, etc

Please contact me as soon as you can.

Jim Cronin
Boston Courant

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone, Here is an update. The building is getting another hearing this coming Monday, November 10 at the BRA Board Room, #900, 9th floor at 1 City Hall Square. I'm going and bringing friends. Who knows if we can keep Druker in court with today's economy maybe he won't be able to afford the project! It's always money that wins out in the end. Hope you see this and see you there.